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about this journey

Follow the kārearea flight from Maungaharuru to Tangitū and uncover 6 new stories from Ngāti Kurumōkihi, Ngāti Marangatūhetaua, Ngāi Tauira and Ngāi Te Ruruku ki Tangoio.
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6 locations across Maungaharuru-Tangitū, Hawke's Bay.


Locations include beaches, lakes and short forest walks.


6 augmented reality chapters, 3 audio chapters

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Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust and representatives from Ngāti Kurumōkihi, Ngāti Marangatūhetaua, Ngāi Tauira and Ngāi Te Ruruku ki Tangoio for their advice: Bevan Taylor, Tania Hopmans and Justin Puna, Marewa King and Justin Puna for permission to use their voice recordings, Manatū Taonga for funding and Karina Reti for artistic inspiration and guidance.


"Foundation North Pūtea Hāpai Oranga: Funding to Enhance Lives" logo

ARA Journeys would like to thank Foundation North for the opportunity to create this platform so tangata whenua can share their stories in a new context for years to come.

Thank you to Johnnie Freeland (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua, Ngai Tūhoe) for his consultation.

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ARA Journeys

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