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papakura high school


our place

Papakura High School is located just a few minutes drive from several places of historical and cultural significance - sources of many stories of mischief, loss, war, chaos and regret.

ko au te whenua
ko te whenua
ko au


"The experience with ARA Journeys was not only fun, but I got to try new ways to create art."

- Selu, student

our stories

Long ago, the Patupaiarehe (fairy people) of the Waitakere and Hunua fought over trespasses between the tribes, turning what was once flat land that lay between their lands, in to a dynamic landscape rich in land formations and story.

Class discussion and research:
  • atua and patupaiarehe and their significance of in regards to sense making and metaphor

  • mana-whenua and their guardianship of stories  

  • the significance of place

  • the role of narrative in expression and learning


Photo from a class field trip to hear stories about the Patupaiarehe of Hunua.

"My experience during this journey was phenomenal. Learning how artistic skills can contribute to amazing digital media.

The more the program progressed, the more my idea of creativity and art expanded - not to mention it really helped me develop my skills as well.

The presentation was really fun and educational for us, our whanau and peers.

Thank you ARA Journeys for the opportunity to participate in the program. It was my privilege and honour to be a part of the journey."

Anjekoia, student

Decorative border in an aronui pattern

our mahi

Papakura High School teacher Kate Lobb and ARA Journeys creative Ben Kenobi led year 11 students through fundamental industry standard processes.


"Hui: Patupairehe" design by Prince Collyer, Papakura High School

Our process:
  • understand our audience

  • develop ideas through iterative process

  • communicate ideas through in-game art content design

  • understand how our art is used in the production pipeline


"It's great to see the students come alive when they see what they are capable of creating."

- Kate Lobb, Papakura High School Teacher.

our creations

After the site visit, students took two days to design and produce story elements, characters, places and events, to be shown in the AR app and presented these to whanau at a showcase at their school.

"I feel so proud to see how cool my work looks inside the app."

Kadie, student

Papakura High School work will appear as augmented reality artwork in 3D space at Hunua Falls.

Available now on Google Play and iOS.


Students demo their work to whanau at Papakura High.


step into these rangatahi-made augmented worlds


your students could make one of these too

We'd love to run a Tuwhiri in Schools project with your class.

Tuwhiri: Revealing our Stories logo

Proudly made by
ARA Journeys

An internet connection is required to use Tuwhiri. Data charges may apply. App Store and the App Store logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

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