tamaki college

a landscape of stories
In a year of lockdowns, travel apprehension and even a flood, two Year 9 classes from Tamaki College students embarked on a journey of cultural discovery and creative practice inspired by local stories.

our place
Tamaki College is a family-focused school situated in the east Auckland suburb of Glen Innes, seeking to interact and work with parents and whānau/kainga/aiga and equipping them to be positive role-models and members of our society.

our stories
This Tuwhiri Project gave the students an opportunity to express ideas explored in the Ngāti Pāoa cultural landscape tour led by Matua Harley Wade - where stories are passed on orally while standing in places of significance.
Class discussion and research:
tohunga those who listened to the signs of the natural world
taniwha, atua & character and their significance of in regards to sense making, metaphor and history
mana-whenua and their guardianship of stories
the significance of place
the role of narrative in expression and learning

our mahi
Using a blended learning approach, Communication Design teacher Ruby Spark and ARA Journeys creative Ben Kenobi, led the students through a process focused on the creation of a single character the students selected from their favourite story of the cultural tour.
Our process:
designing playful interactions through the creation of collaborative board games
understand our audience and assumption mapping
develop ideas through iterative process
communicate ideas through in-game 2D art content design
understand how our art is used in the production pipeline and assigning visual effects

our creations

Students formed groups to create augmented reality scenes using mixed media 2D physical artwork scanned in to the app.
The characters appear as augmented reality artwork in the Tuwhiri app in a location near the school.
Available now on Google Play and iOS.